1,642 research outputs found

    Exact solutions of a restricted ballistic deposition model on a one-dimensional staircase

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    Surface structure of a restricted ballistic deposition(RBD) model is examined on a one-dimensional staircase with free boundary conditions. In this model, particles can be deposited only at the steps of the staircase. We set up recurrence relations for the surface fluctuation width WW using generating function method. Steady-state solutions are obtained exactly given system size LL. In the infinite-size limit, WW diverges as LαL^\alpha with the scaling exponent α=12\alpha=\frac{1}{2}. The dynamic exponent β\beta (Wtβ)(W\sim t^\beta) is also found to be 12\frac{1}{2} by solving the recurrence relations numerically. This model can be viewed as a simple variant of the model which belongs to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class (αKPZ=12,βKPZ=13)(\alpha_{KPZ}= \frac{1}{2} , \beta_{KPZ}=\frac{1}{3}). Comparing its deposition time scale with that of the single-step model, we argue that β\beta must be the same as βKPZ/(1βKPZ)\beta_{KPZ}/(1-\beta_{KPZ}), which is consistent with our finding.Comment: 19 pages, REVTEX, 5 figures upon request, INHA-PHYS-94-00

    New method to study stochastic growth equations: a cellular automata perspective

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    We introduce a new method based on cellular automata dynamics to study stochastic growth equations. The method defines an interface growth process which depends on height differences between neighbors. The growth rule assigns a probability pi(t)=ρp_{i}(t)=\rho exp[κΓi(t)][\kappa \Gamma_{i}(t)] for a site ii to receive one particle at a time tt and all the sites are updated simultaneously. Here ρ\rho and κ\kappa are two parameters and Γi(t)\Gamma_{i}(t) is a function which depends on height of the site ii and its neighbors. Its functional form is specified through discretization of the deterministic part of the growth equation associated to a given deposition process. In particular, we apply this method to study two linear equations - the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation and the Mullins-Herring (MH) equation - and a non-linear one - the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. Through simulations and statistical analysis of the height distributions of the profiles, we recover the values for roughening exponents, which confirm that the processes generated by the method are indeed in the universality classes of the original growth equations. In addition, a crossover from Random Deposition to the associated correlated regime is observed when the parameter κ\kappa is varied.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Faceted anomalous scaling in the epitaxial growth of semiconductor films

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    We apply the generic dynamical scaling theory (GDST) to the surfaces of CdTe polycrystalline films grown in glass substrates. The analysed data were obtained with a stylus profiler with an estimated resolution lateral resolution of lc=0.3μl_c=0.3 \mum. Both real two-point correlation function and power spectrum analyses were done. We found that the GDST applied to the surface power spectra foresees faceted morphology in contrast with the self-affine surface indicated by the local roughness exponent found via the height-height correlation function. This inconsistency is explained in terms of convolution effects resulting from the finite size of the probe tip used to scan the surfaces. High resolution AFM images corroborates the predictions of GDST.Comment: to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Mathematics of random growing interfaces

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    We establish a thermodynamic limit and Gaussian fluctuations for the height and surface width of the random interface formed by the deposition of particles on surfaces. The results hold for the standard ballistic deposition model as well as the surface relaxation model in the off-lattice setting. The results are proved with the aid of general limit theorems for stabilizing functionals of marked Poisson point processes.Comment: 12 page

    Anisotropic Diffusion Limited Aggregation

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    Using stochastic conformal mappings we study the effects of anisotropic perturbations on diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) in two dimensions. The harmonic measure of the growth probability for DLA can be conformally mapped onto a constant measure on a unit circle. Here we map mm preferred directions for growth of angular width σ\sigma to a distribution on the unit circle which is a periodic function with mm peaks in [π,π)[-\pi, \pi) such that the width σ\sigma of each peak scales as σ1/k\sigma \sim 1/\sqrt{k}, where kk defines the ``strength'' of anisotropy along any of the mm chosen directions. The two parameters (m,k)(m,k) map out a parameter space of perturbations that allows a continuous transition from DLA (for m=0m=0 or k=0k=0) to mm needle-like fingers as kk \to \infty. We show that at fixed mm the effective fractal dimension of the clusters D(m,k)D(m,k) obtained from mass-radius scaling decreases with increasing kk from DDLA1.71D_{DLA} \simeq 1.71 to a value bounded from below by Dmin=3/2D_{min} = 3/2. Scaling arguments suggest a specific form for the dependence of the fractal dimension D(m,k)D(m,k) on kk for large kk, form which compares favorably with numerical results.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Scaling Behavior of Driven Interfaces Above the Depinning Transition

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    We study the depinning transition for models representative of each of the two universality classes of interface roughening with quenched disorder. For one of the universality classes, the roughness exponent changes value at the transition, while the dynamical exponent remains unchanged. We also find that the prefactor of the width scales with the driving force. We propose several scaling relations connecting the values of the exponents on both sides of the transition, and discuss some experimental results in light of these findings.Comment: Revtex 3.0, 4 pages in PRL format + 5 figures (available at ftp://jhilad.bu.edu/pub/abbhhss/ma-figures.tar.Z ) submitted to Phys Rev Let

    New set of measures to analyze non-equilibrium structures

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    We introduce a set of statistical measures that can be used to quantify non-equilibrium surface growth. They are used to deduce new information about spatiotemporal dynamics of model systems for spinodal decomposition and surface deposition. Patterns growth in the Cahn-Hilliard Equation (used to model spinodal decomposition) are shown to exhibit three distinct stages. Two models of surface growth, namely the continuous Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model and the discrete Restricted-Solid-On-Solid (RSOS) model are shown to have different saturation exponents

    Dynamic properties in a family of competitive growing models

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    The properties of a wide variety of growing models, generically called X/RDX/RD, are studied by means of numerical simulations and analytic developments. The study comprises the following XX models: Ballistic Deposition, Random Deposition with Surface Relaxation, Das Sarma-Tamboronea, Kim-Kosterlitz, Lai-Das Sarma, Wolf-Villain, Large Curvature, and three additional models that are variants of the Ballistic Deposition model. It is shown that after a growing regime, the interface width becomes saturated at a crossover time (tx2t_{x2}) that, by fixing the sample size, scales with pp according to tx2(p)py,(p>0)t_{x2}(p)\propto p^{-y}, \qquad (p > 0), where yy is an exponent. Also, the interface width at saturation (WsatW_{sat}) scales as Wsat(p)pδ,(p>0)W_{sat}(p)\propto p^{-\delta}, \qquad (p > 0), where δ\delta is another exponent. It is proved that, in any dimension, the exponents δ\delta and yy obey the following relationship: δ=yβRD\delta = y \beta_{RD}, where βRD=1/2\beta_{RD} = 1/2 is the growing exponent for RDRD. Furthermore, both exponents exhibit universality in the p0p \to 0 limit. By mapping the behaviour of the average height difference of two neighbouring sites in discrete models of type X/RDX/RD and two kinds of random walks, we have determined the exact value of the exponent δ\delta. Finally, by linking four well-established universality classes (namely Edwards-Wilkinson, Kardar-Parisi-Zhang, Linear-MBE and Non-linear-MBE) with the properties of both random walks, eight different stochastic equations for all the competitive models studied are derived.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dynamic scaling and universality in evolution of fluctuating random networks

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    We found that models of evolving random networks exhibit dynamic scaling similar to scaling of growing surfaces. It is demonstrated by numerical simulations of two variants of the model in which nodes are added as well as removed [Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5587 (1999)]. The averaged size and connectivity of the network increase as power-laws in early times but later saturate. Saturated values and times of saturation change with paramaters controlling the local evolution of the network topology. Both saturated values and times of saturation obey also power-law dependences on controlling parameters. Scaling exponents are calculated and universal features are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Europhysics Letters for